20KB Sampler is a Digenerator firmware that plays back small samples from pre-made sample data kits. There are 8 samples total in each kit, divided in 2 banks of 4 samples each. One of the 8 samples can be played at a time, and even processed by one of the two selected sound effects!

OPT A selects between the banks. Selection can be done manually with a switch or externally with a gate. If two samples are triggered at exactly the same time, sample at GATE1 will take priority over GATE2, GATE2 over GATE3 and so on (descending priority). Launching a new sample stops the one being played.

The sound effect is controlled with the CHARACTER knob and its associated CV input. Select between the two effects with OPT B.

The GATE output fires a high gate every time a sample finishes its playback. You can use it for various needs, the most obvious one being to loop a sample by self-patching the GATE output to one of the GATE inputs.

Below is a set of parameters that you can customize for your 20KB Sampler. If you want to try out the stock variant, just hit GENERATE without touching any parameters. Have fun!

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